Is it for me?

Private customers: Your gate or garage door open on its own! No need to search for your current remote control and wait for the gate or garage door to open! By installing No key device and mobile app to your existing system you will never again think about it. The device will automatically, without your interaction, recognize that you are near and independently open the gate or garage for you! Residential buildings: For a very long period of time Intercom and key have been solutions to enter your building. Times have changed and so are technologies which now allow for a far greater comfort in use. From now on, with the No key device and the app on an Android mobile phone the door of your building is able to unlock itself ( I phone requires a click on the icon in order to unlock the door). If you have an intercom system in your building quickly and easily we add the No key and do not disturb the way the key and intercom operate. Now you have the option not to think about the key, pendants and the search for keys through your pockets. Now, No Key as your personal butler unlocks the door for you! Business facilities: Workers carry cards which they use to access their offices? Technology 30 years old made his life and now the same thing, you can replace with the No key devices and app. There is no need for new cards, cards for guests, losing the same, and so on. Now everything is on your phone that nowadays everyone always carries with himself.

Tel: +38163381788

Zolagen Doo
Belo Vrelo 54, Beograd